With Kai Kreutzfeldt in Prague, Czech Republic, October 2019
An interview by Kai Kreutzfeldt:
Anneke Lucas has been teaching yoga in prisons in New York since 2011 and created the non-profit organization Liberation Prison Yoga in 2014. Many of the yoga programs were held at Rikers Island, the New York jail complex where Anneke also started a support group for incarcerated survivors of sex trafficking. Her aim in her work was to share the profound healing she herself had received on a 30-year journey, in the ways she wished it would have been available to her.
Anneke was born in 1963, and trafficked as a young child by the world’s elite. At age six she was sold by her own mother into a Belgian pedophile network, which she says was run by the then-Minister of National Defense Paul Vanden Boeynants, a popular right-wing Belgian politician who also twice served as the country’s Prime Minister. Anneke mentions that Michel Nihoul was a gopher for the elite, arranging for children by dealing with their pimps. Michel Nihoul was also a defendant in the Dutroux Case and named by several witnesses in this case, which made headlines when several children’s bodies were found in 1996, and the international press reported that a Belgian elite ring was responsible for the rapes and murders of many children. However, eight years later, in 2004, when the case finally went to trial, Michel Nihoul was let off by the judge on the most serious charge of kidnapping the children, even though a majority of the jury deemed him guilty of this crime. Marc Dutroux and two more accomplices of his immediate circle, including his wife, were sentenced. All the testimonies regarding the existence of a larger elite pedophile network had been cut off from the trial and put in a separate file, which was closed two months later. Almost 30 people with evidence about the larger network lost their lives in mysterious circumstances.
In 1972, at the age of nine, Anneke was “gifted” to a powerful American who trafficked her to the US, and afterwards had her trained in a mind control facility in Heidelberg. After this event, she was a sex slave to the international elite, recognizing top politicians from around the Western world.
In 2013, Anneke Lucas felt that she was ready to face the inevitable attacks on her person and went public with her story. She did not seek out the press; instead she directly answered a question from a journalist who was interviewing her about her work in prisons, rather than avoid the topic of her personal background. This interview, for a local New York paper, was noticed elsewhere, and soon Anneke was invited to speak on podcasts and interviewed for articles and videos. In 2016, a short video in which she tells her harrowing story went viral. In this video, she speaks of her last day in the network, as an eleven-year old girl, when she was tortured to be killed. She describes being tied to a butcher’s block and tortured by one adult, whom she later revealed to be Michel Nihoul, and four children who had been forced to participate in her torture as part of their indoctrination into the network. Using common instruments such as a pen knife, a fish hook, an apple corer and a belt of nails, Anneke was soon covered in blood. She describes how, unbeknownst to her, one of her abusers, the Belgian gangster Patrick Haemers, had been negotiating for her release during her torture, which was abruptly ended, and she was set free by him with a long list of directives which she followed to the letter, including leaving home as soon as she could, instructions about prostitution, alcohol and drug use, and even about moving to New York.
In 2017 Anneke was invited to speak at TEDx in Klagenfurt, and afterwards did more interviews in which she gave more details about her life in the elite pedophile network, about what she learned during the long years of healing her extensive trauma, and the years she has spent in service in jails and prisons. Anneke also offers private sessions with trauma survivors, among whom many survivors of sexual abuse, ritual abuse and mind control. She also regularly works with therapists, and I count myself among those who have received supervisory sessions with Anneke. Her healing and service culminated in “the Unconditional Model,” a modality she developed that offers a new perspective on power dynamics.
I first connected with Anneke after I saw a video in which she presented herself and her story. To this day, I don´t know why YouTube suggested this particular video to me. It seemed to be mere coincidence. I had learned before that ritual abuse and sex trafficking existed and I never doubted its veracity. However, I believe it was Anneke, as a survivor of such horror, speaking to me in that video, who initiated my conviction that we, as therapists, social workers and society in general can and should do whatever we can for those victims of child abuse, which starts by becoming aware of their stories.
I met Anneke when she traveled to Prague to give public talks, and attended one of the workshops she taught on the Unconditional Model, which was attended by a group of 40 or so therapists from Czech Republic and Germany.
We remain in touch. I perceive Anneke as a strong and grounded person who came to be an example for so many others.
1. What do you consider being the mission of your life?
I think everyone on earth has a similar inner mission: to transcend suffering, and to attain ever-lasting bliss consciousness. Everyone is looking for happiness, which is a diluted state of the bliss we truly seek. I also believe that this eternal bliss consciousness is our true nature, and that it is already within us – that all we need to do is to uncover all that which is not real, to access our true nature. This gets philosophical, of course, but I had a personal experience that showed me a glimpse of that goal, during a near death experience in childhood.
Second, I think everyone has an outer purpose as well. I see this as playing one’s role on this earthly stage. Many people seek what their role is, and it took me many decades to uncover. I am getting nearer to it now. I believe that it is related to revealing the dark truth of pedophilia in the halls of power, and offering a healing system that touches everyone. Speaking up about my story is traumatic for many people, and I am keenly aware of this fact. It makes me sensitive to how I communicate these difficult truths. And I am surprised that so many people can hear it.
The second part or my external mission, to bring the healing for all, I have only started fairly recently. I’ve come up with the Unconditional Model which is a healing modality using awareness of power dynamics as a portal into one’s trauma. It is trauma which creates an internal hierarchic structure of looking up to certain people, out of fear, and looking down upon others, from a place of power. These imbalances, connected to our fears, reflect outwardly as the hierarchical societal structure. We all carry our responsibility for the state of the world, not in the way that the psychopathic leadership would have us to believe, but rather through the repression of our emotional pain. The greater purpose of all of us finding the courage to focus on our own healing is to dismantle the outer hierarchy. Without worldly power, there can be no power abuse.
2. What do you feel towards Belgium, Antwerp, the house where you grew up?
My feelings towards my home country and home town are very mixed. I have a strong aversion to the idea of visiting Belgium. It appears, from what I can tell, that much of the country is still in denial about the Dutroux case. Or, young people contact me and tell me they simply never learned about the Dutroux case and the network, as this particular part of history has been successfully hidden. Back in 1996, the Dutroux Case burst onto the world stage with a great uproar, after children’s bodies were discovered. 300,000 Belgians marched against government corruption, under the assumption Marc Dutroux was protected from higher up. Eight years later, in 2004, when the trial concluded, most people seemed to have accepted the official story of one perpetrator. A brave survivor who came forward, Regina Louf, was largely dismissed as a liar. The most disturbing messages I have received since I went public with my story have come from Belgians. I feel betrayed by my country, and feel that many citizens have turned their backs on the child victims, and enable the continuation of this abuse.
3. Do you have nightmares?
Not anymore. I used to have nightmares that were in fact memories.
4. Is there is typical “first thought“ when you wake up?
Usually, the first thing I see is a 1928 poster on my bedroom wall announcing free lectures by my guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, with his photo from the cover of his book “Autobiography of a Yogi,” which turns my thoughts to God, and perhaps, gratitude. But I might record a dream, or notice a thought stream fresh from the subconscious mind, which may give me some indication of what may be coming up or what is going on, emotionally.
A few days ago, for example, I kept recalling a woman whom I had mentored and who had publicly attacked me without trying to bring her concern to me first. My thoughts were quite obsessive, as though the injury had just happened, which it had not, so I knew that this was not really about her. Once I removed my feelings from her, another, similar past incident started to trouble me, this time with a former teacher who had spread vicious lies about me. Again, this had happened quite a while back, and I dismissed the thoughts. When a third, similar incident started to bother me, I finally analyzed my feelings, and noticed that I was hurt in a particular way, for being vilified after being generous.
Then I realized that these feelings were all related to my mother, who never saw my innocence, no matter how much I tried to please her. Not only was she blind to anything positive inside of me, she often treated me as though I were evil. When she started with that dark projection, it inevitably ended with her “punishment“ which was taking me back to the network. My mother got paid to do this and received phone calls with directions - she had no control over the time and the place - so her “punishments“ were separate, a way for her to get revenge. The frustration I felt over the unfairness of that particular situation with my mother, which was repeated often during my childhood, was rearing its head again, and observing my thought patterns helped me to reconnect with that original pain. I came out feeling more clear, less likely to give from a co-dependent place with an expectation of any sort of kindness or generosity in return. That unconscious expectation of mine, connected to the trauma of my mother’s dark projections, was present in those relationships and set up the circumstances of these people’s reactions to me, and I believe we can use any situation - or rather our reactions to situations - to analyze ourselves.
5. Do you have an issue about trusting people?
I am not in an intimate relationship, where the issues of trust would be most apparent. I am painfully aware that the moment I feel the slightest potential for an intimate connection, I lose my balance, and find myself losing the trust I so easily bestow on everyone else. I have never been able to separate sex from abuse. I can speak to all the details of how sex abuse brainwashes a child, and the widespread confusion between love and sexual objectification, but I don’t have applied experience in a successful relationship.
I have managed to stop objectifying myself, which was a long and tiresome process. As a young woman, I had no self-esteem, and I did not consider myself beautiful, but I easily attracted men and believed they liked me for me, that they saw my core self. As I aged, I had to adjust, noticing that those men who would previously have bestowed their kind attentions on me ignored me – including the nice ones.
I do believe that a woman who does not heal from child sexual abuse can automatically revive young, sexualized parts that can continue to charm and engage men of all ages. In this sense, age does not matter. I personally still experience a dichotomy between my celibate self and my sexual self, and am still working to heal and integrate these parts
As a nine-year old girl, a powerful American perpetrator noticed me, and suddenly, for the first time, I felt pretty. His gaze, combined with my survivalist need to meet abusers‘ expectations, transformed me, and a persona was born. I spent several weeks with this perpetrator, and during this time I became the girl he needed: sexy, lighthearted, pretty, sophisticated and fun. This American was very dangerous and I sensed that any thought I might have outside of his expectations would have been perceived as a threat, so I could not step out of this persona, even for a second. Personas are not consciously created: I was fully identified with the girl I had become, even though she was split off from other parts of my consciousness. The same perpetrator also was the first to notice my intelligence, which made me feel more seen than ever before, and he became an important parental figure to whom I was deeply attached. His parental attentions, given in the most beautiful and comfortable surroundings, were mixed with daily sexual abuse, which did not seem so bad, compared to my previous treatment and circumstances in the Belgian network. This perpetrator trained me as a sex slave to the top elite. For example, he would stimulate me and then tell me to hold back on reaching an orgasm; and we “practiced” every day. In this way, my sexual pleasure was to exist only in relation to the man’s desire and timing.
My own sexual feelings did awaken during childhood, with another abuser, the Belgian gangster Patrick Haemers, who was twenty years old when I was ten. His initial idea was that he wanted sex to come from me, which had him wait for me and meanwhile protect me from other network abusers. He saw purity and honesty in me, which also had never before been reflected by any authority figure. Strangely, I felt that I could be myself around him.
His striking good looks roused a lot of envy, particularly from one girl my age, whose parents were in the Belgian network and who was also sexually abused. After I told her there was no sex between Patrick Haemers and myself, she organized a gang rape by older teen boys, perhaps trying to send the message that I was not above sex. That rape left me feeling that I was anything but pure, and I felt dishonest because I could not tell Patrick, and from that place of deep shame and guilt, I initiated sex with him. It began an incredibly intense cycle of extreme physical and emotional abuse mixed with ecstatic sex. To this day, I have not felt as intimately connected to anyone as I did to this young gangster, who would one day muse about our future together as a couple, and the next hold a loaded hand gun to my head, ready to shoot if I failed to surrender to his need.
As soon as I start having feelings resembling the intimacy I experienced with Patrick Haemers, intense fear also sets in, which sends me into an instant power struggle to ward off the chasm of humiliation and pain that accompanied the original experience. In these kinds of situations I withhold, run, or do whatever possible to avoid getting close to that person. And, because such behavior is often the start of something, I make sure to physically remove myself so that nothing can ensue. The lighthearted persona who was present for the American perpetrator, and further perfected in mind control training, charms men into believing she is their life partner, but she does not care for these men. She basks in their desirous gaze, physically transforming into a greater beauty.
My current celibacy, ongoing for seven years, is very comfortable. I don’t have to face my fear of death or fear of using men to boost my confidence. But, while my spiritual aspirations are real and I don’t believe I need to experience anymore sexual contact, I am aware of a need to integrate these various sexualized parts into my body/mind system, and heal. I imagine that learning to fully trust in intimacy is the last leg of my healing journey.
6. When did you realize that you had escaped from the pedophile network?
It was very clear that Patrick Haemers, the gangster who rescued me from the network when I was 11 years old, had made a deal to get me out. I knew it was over on that day. However, my mother, angry that she would not be able to “punish“ me anymore, arranged to take me back one last time. One late morning, she drove me to a castle. I was ushered in by a woman who ordered me to undress and decorated my naked body with one long black satin ribbon. She showed me the door through which I entered in a large kitchen with a checkerboard tile floor. A group of five aristocratic men were gathered around the table after a hunt, drinking coffee.
I recognized one aristocrat from the network whom I had nicknamed the “fox” over his red hair and small pointy nose. Once I had overheard him asking for me to Paul Vanden Boeynants, who had replied that he wanted to “keep the pretty ones a bit longer.” This is how I learned that children did not make it through the night with the fox.
The fox mentioned to the group of hunters in the kitchen that I was not meant to be used anymore, that my mother could not help herself and had brought me free of charge. One of the other hunters decided that my mother was trying to get them to do her dirty laundry, and he left, two others trailing behind.
The fox and his friend remained. I was brutally raped by the friend, while the fox aimed his hunting rifle at my head rocking back and forth. He shot, and missed. Upon the deafening bang, his friend threw me down, angry at the interruption. He suggested that the fox better kill me off, that I’d be better off dead. The fox indicated that he did not care enough, and they left me lying on the floor.
My mother was waiting in her car outside, parked on the side of the castle. Once I had changed back into my clothes and reached the small side door, which was open, I observed my mother sitting in her car, staring blankly, as though she were in shock. The woman who had been at the door when I entered was gone. There was no one in sight. On the hallway wall hung a collection of hunting rifles. I picked one up, aimed it at my mother’s head, and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. I picked up another gun, and aimed again. Again, nothing. There were no cartridges to be found, so I went out and got in the car, throwing myself on the backseat to lie down, because I was in too much pain to sit. My mother drove me back home. Having survived that last time, I knew it was over afterwards. My mother would not be able to sell me anymore.
7. How was your life organized right after your liberation?
All I had were the precise instructions which Patrick Haemers gave me when he drove me back to my parents’ house after he had rescued me. He had given me some pills - opioids I believe - to deal with my mother, whom he knew would be unhappy about my release. The instructions were not to take more than one half per day, so that was what I did, until they were gone. The next instruction was to leave home as soon as possible, and I left at age 15 or 16. I was told I should leave the country, to move to London, Paris, New York. He was just thinking out loud, I think, but I lived in all three cities, ending up in New York.
He gave detailed instructions about prostitution and drugs which I believe saved my life. Another directive was to marry, “not an older man who made his own fortune, but someone my age, from a wealthy family – preferably a family of New York bankers.“ I married someone fitting this profile. Patrick also said I should never speak up about the network, forget everything, and never mention anything to anyone, or they would find and kill me. I remained silent about the network for 39 years, and in 2013 started to speak out.
Patrick also emphasized that I should become fluent in English, and I eventually got an education, which was not directed but important to me. Certainly also not included was that I should heal, but I entered therapy in the 1980’s. The word ‘organization‘ feels like a misnomer, because I felt that my life was so incredibly chaotic, with all the effects of the trauma and dissociation, but these instructions were the backbone on which my life was built. Ironically, the mind control training helped me to pass as not traumatized, as it taught me to never show pain and fit in everywhere.
8. Are you afraid of public places, expecting to meet someone from the network?
It is possible that the Belgian network leaders, including Paul Vanden Boeynants, believed that I had died. During my near death experience, my body must have been clinically dead. When I came to, Vanden Boeynants and the others were gone; only Patrick Haemers was left in the space. He brought me home, and I don’t know what he told the network bosses afterwards.
My rescue was very clear-cut, unlike other surivivors whose families are directly involved. My mother was never in the network, even though she wanted to be. She only got paid by them like other pimps.
In 1974, a deal was struck; Patrick Haemers went to work for Paul Vanden Boeynants in exchange for my life. It appears that he indeed fulfilled on his obligation. In 1986, Paul Vanden Boeynants, popular former Belgian prime minister, was caught for fiscal fraud. He had to pay a large fine, and a three-year prison sentence was suspended in honor of his “services to the country.“ During this time, Vanden Boeynants‘ dream was to become mayor of Brussels. This may seem like a strange dream for someone who had already been prime minister, but Belgium is a very small country, and my guess is that he needed access to something for one of his corrupt schemes that could only be accomplished as mayor. Whatever the case, since his name was in disrepute, he was not able to run in the election. A political colleague of his wrote in his memoir that, upon learning that he would not be able to run as mayor of Brussels due to the scandal, Paul Vanden Boeynants was distraught, and visibly upset.
In January 1989, Paul Vanden Boeynants was kidnapped, which of course was headline news in Belgium. One month later, he was released by his kidnappers. Thinner and wearing sunglasses - he had supposedly been locked up in a dark basement and eaten yogurt - Paul Vanden Boeynants led one of the most widely attended press conferences the country had ever known. Paul Vanden Boeynants, nicknamed VDB, had an uncanny flair for the dramatic, and this press conference was perhaps the highlight of his career as a performer. His name and reputation were officially restored. The first thing he did, was run for mayor of Brussels. However, he lost the election.
Two zealous cops came on the trail of Patrick Haemers and his gang, which they described as a stroke of incredible luck never meant to happen. They tracked Haemers, and he, his wife and one of his friends were arrested in Brazil for the kidnapping of Paul Vanden Boeynants. Haemers had a history of robbing banks, post offices and money transports, and had been jailed for rape, but he had never kidnapped anyone before. Extradited to Belgium, Haemers spent three years in prison before dying in his cell, weeks before his trial. The cause of his death was listed as suicide. At the trial, after Haemers‘ death, Vanden Boeynants magnanimously “forgave“ his kidnappers. (Dutch article 1993)
Having left Belgium, as per Patrick Haemers’ instructions, in 1982, I was unaware of all this local news. Only in 1996, when the Dutroux case was reported in the New York Times, did I start paying attention. After my story went viral and my TEDx talk was up, Belgian trolls proved more vicious than those of other nationalities in attacking my credibility, with several Belgians accusing me of name dropping some famous big fish from their tiny pond. One Belgian engaged in lengthy online arguments with my supporters, and wrote long emails to all the bigger publications that ever featured me, as well as the TEDx organizers and who knows who else, claiming he had investigated my story, found many inconsistencies, and had come to the conclusion that I am a liar.
This Belgian wrote to me, too, claiming my story was “too similar“ to the other survivor’s story of the Belgian network – Regina Louf. It may bear mentioning that our stories are in fact quite different, but it is true that we were abused in the same local network, share some of the same abusers, and survived similar network rituals. Since most of the Belgian press and judicial magistrates deemed Regina Louf’s testimony “completely worthless“ back in 1998, this troll makes the argument that both Regina Louf and I are “mythomaniacs.“ Anyone spending this much time and effort to discredit a woman sharing her personal story seems to me like he might be paid to do it; but who knows.
Last year, in 2020, I considered filing a lawsuit against the estate of my American perpetrator, based on a new law, the Childs Victim Act, which offered a limited window of time in which all statutes of limitation were lifted. During the preparation for this case, I connected with someone who had been an active member of a peer support group I run online for survivors of satanic ritual abuse and mind control, and soon found myself quite involved, at least online, with this person claiming to have direct access to the family of my perpetrator, as a current mind control slave. She asserted that she wanted to help my case by sending a video tape containing spectacular evidence. It would not be the kind of evidence anyone could pass on without paying with their life, so much of our texts focused on my insistence she care for her own life and save herself, and her insistence that she wanted to “go out with a bang” and shake up the network, in her typical dryly humorous, rebellious manner she had displayed for the previous two years in her copious comments on the group.
While we never use perpetrator names in the group to protect ourselves, her shares had me suspect she might have come across my American perpetrator, and I had reached out to her to find out if she might be interested in serving as a witness for my case, or even start her own. I was expertly baited, and it was eery to be in contact with someone who was doing to me exactly what I had been trained to do with elite men: find my weakness (my protectiveness of survivors) to gain my trust and then exploit that connection to extract information, or do whatever required. I believe she was trying to find out what evidence we had, and how many other survivors of this perpetrator were going to be involved in this lawsuit. I didn’t tell her that, but I was drawn in. Her increasingly outlandish excuses to stall the delivery of the promised evidence forced me to reckon with the fact that I was being played. Over the course of the few months when we were in daily contact, she did successfully, in her good-cop way, very clearly convey the following messages:
“Do not name [this perpetrator] publicly. We know where you live. We can kill you anytime. We can kill your family.“
Considering the heinous crimes committed inside these networks, you might think that there are no rules, but that is not true: network members are bound by many rules of the game, and they honor them religiously. I have always respected the rules of the network. I followed Patrick Haemers’ guidelines until they outlived their purpose. I would never try to fight power with power.
The only weapon power has is fear; and this is not to be underestimated: the psychopathic leaders, though everything they do comes from a place of fear, are also experts in rousing and manipulating it. Mind control of an individual induces trauma to control them; mass mind control exploits our fears to control us. Our weapons can never be theirs, because they already have all the power and resources. Our weapons must be the opposite: love, understanding, forgiveness, and a clear vision of what a world looks like that is ruled by compassion, in which each person is truly considered equal; brothers and sisters, and children of God.
9. How come that you can talk in public about the network, mentioning details/names?
I was not allowed to name names, but no one said not to tell the details. I have only revealed names of some of the Belgian perpetrators who are now dead. The international leaders that I came across are also dead, but I don’t feel confident to name them. In fact, when I uttered the names of Paul Vanden Boeynants, Michel Nihoul and Patrick Haemers for the first time in an interview last year, I was extremely nervous, and felt very afraid.
10. Isn´t your life being threatened because of your talks, workshops, interviews?
I am not seeking attention by speaking up. I am not seeking to gain power or get revenge on my perpetrators or their families. I don’t even wish them harm. My intention is to heal the entire system which does not work for anyone, not for the victims, but ultimately not for the perpetrators, either.
11. Do you feel persecuted in public?
No, I don’t feel that I am persecuted. As I mentioned, I get attacked, quite a bit. Each time I am affected, I do the internal work and it ends up making me stronger. So, I can say that I am grateful for those people who have worked the hardest to discredit or derail me. I can say with confidence that there are people who have put enormous time and energy into trying to sully my reputation, whom I know for a fact have no connection to any network. These people are triggered and project their own shadows. Perhaps it is noteworthy that all of them are men.
I think the nature of my history has a powerful effect on people. In fact, all sexual abuse stories, especially of child sex abuse, tend to bring out the worst in those who have experienced the trauma, are dissociated, and have no experience of healing. Someone who is in denial about their own sexual trauma history, who glorifies their abusers and all stand-in authority figures, takes comfort in the hierarchic nature of the world, which provides the fantasy of the safe environment where hypocritical “parents” perpetuate the false narrative of the good family. The need to protect that false narrative has such people turn against whomever tears off the lies and examines what might be lurking underneath the facade; it threatens to dislodge their denial and awaken their pain.
My story contains all the most extreme elements of childhood sexual abuse and authority figures, and this opens me up to a ton of projections. I am both strong and vulnerable. The need to be accepted at every stage of growth in order to emotionally mature is perpetuated through the subconscious mind, even though, without efforts to render these processes conscious, we create endless loops that project us into circumstances in which we act out aspects of traumatic scenarios from childhood, either in the role of the victim, or in the role of an aggressor. If I am affected when attacked, I have the habit of removing the emotional reaction from the attacker, so that I can focus on the original scenario in which I felt the negative feelings I experience. That way I can heal, and I do not need to feel persecuted.
12. What is your response to people when they say that your story is mere fantasy?
To claim that my story is fantasy is extremely ignorant. Look at the world in which we live. This global imbalance didn’t happen by accident. It’s not as if a well-meaning president can’t accomplish his noble plans for a better world because the evil other party opposes them. Selfish greed rules the globe and creates wars, hunger and poverty, and modern technology has magnified these ills. If we all put our attention to the power abuse by the elite, we would at least be dealing with the root of the problem. The most influential people on earth have no conscience, have sold their soul to Satan, and have slipped into the deepest chasms of evil which include child rape and murder. What physical proof should I have of 50-year old facts about politicians raping and killing children in extremely private settings, in a network organized around eliminating evidence to protect the dirty secret of power? Why would anyone expect that I should have gone to the police, for example, when the national police chief was at the orgies, and I was told many times that anywhere I went, anyone I told, it would always get back to them, and I would be punished or killed and whomever I told would be punished or killed? I have deep insights into the nature of this kind of evil because of my decades-long experience of healing from it. Anyone who fails to notice this, I say there is something wrong with them. Either they are part of the network, or they are pedophiles, or at the very least they protect pedophiles.
13. Do you get triggered while telling your own story?
No, telling my story does not trigger me. I mostly talk about what I have healed. Whatever I am working out, I like to wait to speak about it until I have clarity and insight.
14. Do you imagine how a “normal“ childhood could have been for you?
Yes, I’ve imagined it many times, also as part of the healing process. But also, I am really okay with what my childhood was, because I learned important things I would never have learned otherwise.
15. What is your attitude towards your parents today?
I have forgiven them. Generally my feelings are neutral, sometimes I feel compassion, sometimes I feel anger; it depends on whatever is coming to the surface. I haven’t healed completely from the harm they caused, but forgiveness is not conditional.
16. What was your attitude towards your parents when you were a child?
I was very attached to my mother and felt protective of her. Men would humiliate or objectify her and I felt sorry for her. She was my everything. My stepfather was mostly distant, more interested in my brother who was his own son. I dreamed of my real father. He was the fantasy father who would come to rescue me. It was painful to have three parents, and not a single one who loved me.
In the first three years, I considered my caretaker my real mother, because she loved me. I was her favorite. Once she was gone, everything was a little bit dead. It was like living in a thick fog of nothingness. Love gives meaning to things, and it was very difficult from age three onward to live without it.
17. Are you bothered/triggered by modern ads, movies, series showing a lot of nudes?
Mostly I am very bothered and try to stay away from television as much as possible. I notice the implicit messages in ads or movies of the mass brainwashing, and the secret signs and symbols of the idols shown there whom we are meant to worship. The nudity and a ridiculous focus on anything related to sex is part of the push to sexualize and vulgarize everything as part of the Satanic agenda. In that sense the nudity bothers me. I also notice a big push towards the sexualization of children, which is only another step of the same agenda. I tried to watch a family show the other day. The opening of the first season, in the fist minute, in the very first joke, a little boy, maybe nine years old, sits at the table with his two younger sisters, one of whom is a pre-schooler. The father tells the boy: “Take your hands out of your pants!“ The boy raises both his hands above the table with an comical look of someone who just got caught, while the laugh track rolls. The joke then gets more attention, more laughs. I couldn’t watch anymore. There are other shows that are infused with incest jokes, so well done they take you on a gradual slope where you find yourself laughing at things that truly are horrible, but you’ve been massaged into that mental space where you don’t care anymore, where it all becomes funny. It is insidious, deliberate, sophisticated, and the entire entertainment industry and media is complicit. It has led us to this point in time, where Satan can be openly glorified.
18. Do people (not from the network) call you a liar?
19. Would you say that every mighty/powerful person is part of a pedophile network?
No, not all powerful people are pedophiles or in a network. But everyone who is super wealthy or has great influence certainly knows about it and keeps quiet. The most rich and famous are members of secret societies, which, in their highest ranks, are Satanic, buffered with increasing levels of secrecy and oaths, levels to screen and keep the sincere believers in the lower ranks where they promote the publicly stated values of their club. Protecting the secrecy is promised on all levels, under threat of insane punishments. Everyone knows they will lose their job, their reputation, their families, or their life if they speak out or confess. When people do try to take action, their messages are quickly censored and any or all of the above described countermeasures are taken.
Whenever you are invited to mock a person or a claim, it would be helpful to pause, and wonder if you are being goaded through mass mind control. Joining in with mockery and ridicule is a great way to feel you belong to the cool crowd, the bullies. Mocking immediately places you above the target in your internal hierarchy, and it is a great way to feel instantaneous power. It might even bring up the relief that you are not the target. Remember what it felt like when you were ridiculed? If you can promise yourself you won’t allow yourself to participate, no matter what you think of the intended target, you can really help to undo one of the most effective mind control tools.
I can promise you that we are all being mocked by the elite, laughed at, viewed as vulgar and profane, inferior beings, worthless - exactly everything these people fear they are themselves. All they are running from resides inside themselves, and the escape is outward, material, belonging to the club of cool kids - the bullies.
20. How do you describe your emotional state today?
Pretty healthy.
21. Do you enjoy life and welcome every day?
I do enjoy the simple things of life. I’m grateful for everything.
22. Have you ever had a desire for revenge as far as the networkers are concerned?
Sure. The desire for revenge is an important part of the healing process. When I experience it, it is in that specific context, and not with an intention to actualize it. Any injustice provokes anger, and when the anger is suppressed, it is necessary to direct it towards the person whose action initially roused it. Often, because of the memory of fear, which in childhood is often an instinctive threat to survival, it remains too frightful to put one’s anger there, because the fear of death is still there, too. That is why courage is needed, to overcome fear of death, and face all our fears. Once we face our fear of death, our path in life inverts. We start to go within, which is where the healing happens. This process also removes us out of our dependence on the external power structure. The more we are secure within our self, the less we depend on the external hierarchy. True empowerment comes from within.
At this time, a lot of anger and revenge is being harvested by those in power who are manipulating us behind the scenes, and it is important that we stay mindful, to not fall into their trap. The power-addicted world rulers in the network are extremely clever and knowledgeable, and they know trauma inside out. Our unresolved trauma is needed for their nefarious purposes, because it creates blind spots, and makes us vulnerable to their mass brainwashing. Currently, division between people is being heavily pushed, with many open invitations, encouragement and pressure to air judgment, anger and revenge. Those feelings are called up, but they stem from unresolved personal pain. It is easier to project that pain outward than to change ourselves, but it is the only way forward.
Healing is truly revolutionary, because it is the only way to gain awareness of ourselves and, as a result, gain discernment about what is happening in the world. Trauma awareness has been deliberately suppressed. Any big movement forward in trauma healing is countered by network-supported, widely publicized, complex negations - to dumb us down again and push us back to the way presented to us by the psychopathic leadership: to escape our pain in any way other than to face it.
For example, when memory recovery became accepted in public literature, a psychologist wrote a book about false memory. This psychologist was most likely sincere, influenced by her own unresolved trauma. But she became the perfect mouthpiece for he powerful elite who need to ensure that mind control-induced dissociation remains active and memory recovery is suppressed, otherwise the whole world might start to wake up.
Considerable influence of those in power has been used to push and promote anti-memory recovery materials and its movement, made up mostly of sincere believers, but funded and induced into some hall of fame by the network. The press, owned by the psychopathic leadership, does due diligence to spread the message and dumb the conversation down, so the questions remain at the level of true or false, rather than delving into the considerable science of memory dissociation used by the network in their mind control facilities.
The reason we are so behind on trauma awareness is not because most people are stupid or stuck in denial, but because our unresolved trauma, or our unmet emotional needs, are exploited to keep the fallacy alive that we need the authorities and their experts to make up our own minds, to keep us believing that our intuition is invalid, to keep us looking at their propped up authority puppets through rose-colored glasses, like children looking at hypocritical parents. And all this to soothe their greatest fear, that when we will heal, gain awareness of ourselves, and we see them for who they really are - that we would treat them the way they treat us.
23. What are your passions in art and music?
I am drawn to both but not to perform, only to enjoy.
24. What are your plans for the future?
To publish my book and continue the work, spreading my healing modality, the Unconditional Model, designed specifically to change the world from within.
25. How would you describe/define Anneke Lucas?
Describe myself? I’m not sure. I think it is best that you do that.