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The degree to which child sex trafficking is politicized is the very degree to which efforts to combat it are rendered ineffective.

Currently, politics are about creating and maintaining division, a psychopathic tool inviting you to assign blame to others, to ensure you will never focus on the psychopaths responsible for the problem.

Whatever the claims of the filmmakers and those behind it, the film “Sound of Freedom” has squarely positioned itself on the right. At this time, you can easily find debates among the right blaming pedophilia and child sex trafficking entirely on democrats.

From its end, the left is waging a campaign against the film that initially puzzled me. Why would most of the mainstream left wing media make claims that the film is part of a right wing, Q Anon conspiracy, when the story of the film deals with an aspect of child sex trafficking which the left has long acknowledged?

A few days ago, a friend and former lefty who like myself never veered to the right, suggested I watch a podcast video. The three men who co-host pointed to the inaccuracies in the criticisms from the left-wing media about the film, and showed examples, starting out with a clip in which a CNN newscaster, in a question, states:

“He [Tim Ballard] doesn’t really hide his association with this really wild plot that involves drinking the blood of children and things like that.”

And the guest on CNN answers:

“No, he doesn’t hide it at all. And you have a lot of people in this world of QAnon and they say they don’t know what that is, they’ve never heard of it. They are just asking questions.”

The rest of this podcast goes on to show articles from the media on the left that associate the film and its players with QAnon, with the hosts pointing out the falsehood of these assertions.

And they are correct in that. The film comes nowhere near the issue of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and Ballard and Co. have to my knowledge not spoken of the existence of SRA. Apparently Tim Ballard has mentioned it in connection to a voodoo ritual in Africa, which has nothing to do with anything that I and other survivors are talking about.

However, the podcast never addresses the CNN mention of “the drinking of the blood” and the “conspiracies.” The hosts let those words hang in the air and shift to other common right wing rhetoric, pointing to left wing mainstream media protecting pedophile content, and the transitioning of minors.

Letting the issue of SRA stand unaddressed after it is relegated to the realm of crazy, supports the notion that it is crazy. The point of the right wing podcasters is that the film is NOT about those crazy conspiracy theories. And clearly, the filmmakers, and the podcast hosts and all the others in the new right wing boys club, all agree to remain silent on SRA, suffered by countless children at the hands of elite perpetrators and Satanic families in sick rituals and pedophile orgies.

I have to wonder where this guest on the CNN show got his information that “a lot of people in this world of QAnon say they don’t know what that is; they have never heard of it.” The QAnon crowd very readily - I would say too readily - embraced the fact that children are murdered in satanic rituals. In 2020, they took my story without asking and churned it out on social media with many errors and yes - believe it or not - exaggerations. I messaged one QAnon person who had posted a warped version of my story to let him know he had misrepresented many aspects and assigned events to my person that I never shared. Instead of issuing a correction, he shared in a comment on his original post that he had connected with me as if to confirm that the warped story was true.

Where did this CNN talking head find people who identify as QAnon who are saying that they have never heard about ritualistic killings of children? The very group whose #SaveTheChildren campaign got that hashtag banned from social media? This statement, to me, feels like a lie.

Also, back in 2020, my story was being received by many on the left as one more crazy conspiracy story concocted by QAnon. Even though I have been public since 2013, long before Q and QAnon had been conceived.

I used to be very careful not to upset audiences with details that would be too graphic or disturbing, not an easy feat considering what I survived and what I am trying to communicate. Until a yoga influencer gave an interview on PBS advising yogis everywhere to “not be so gullible, and believe that the elite are kidnapping children, murdering them and drinking their blood.” This was the time when the very people of my yoga community who had known and supported me, suddenly stopped believing that what I experienced exists. No one told me they didn’t believe me anymore, but many quietly disappeared from my life. I felt it my duty to point out that, while I had been thoughtful of people’s feelings and not mentioned the drinking of the blood, it had been part of my experience.

Not only that, this horrific fact was written down in a draft complaint for a child sexual abuse abuse case prepared by a lawyer, against the estate of one of my most prominent abusers whom I had met at age nine at a ritual in which my seven-year old friend Wouter was brutally murdered and sacrificed to Lucifer. Wouter’s blood was collected and imbibed by attending perpetrators. That draft complaint was sent to the attorneys of the estate of my perpetrator after the Child Victims Act opened up the statute of limitations for child sex abuse cases. During one year, one could file a civil lawsuit over child sex abuse dating back anytime, in my case nearly 50 years. In the end, the complaint was not filed. The lawsuit had not been my idea, and our withdrawal was also not my decision. In fact, I was relieved not to go through with bringing my abuse story to the courts, as I feel the justice system is largely the territory of my perpetrators. Isn’t it interesting, that shortly after my perpetrator’s powerful family received the draft complaint with this one very specific, graphic incident described in it, the words “drinking the blood” started doing the rounds, specifically to ridicule the idea that the elite could possibly be involved in anything of the sort? You didn’t hear anything about cannibalism or other gruesome practices of the network, it was just the words “drinking the blood” that were mentioned all over the media, and the yoga world. The topic’s crescendo hit just around the time that we would have been in court and a jury would be deciding whether my co-defendants and I were believable or not. Linking the issue of elite pedophilia with “far right conspiracy theory” just gave it that extra oomph that made my liberal friends run for the hills.

The CNN newscaster shown in the excerpt in the right wing podcast next points out that, yes, sex trafficking is real, but “that theme, that kernel of truth, feeds the QAnon conspiracy theory.” That conspiracy being children killed by the elite. Is this newscaster expressing concern that the topic of child sex trafficking may get people to listen to SRA survivors? I do believe that this film has had that positive effect on the cause.

Still, it is beginning to appear that the film’s release may not be to draw attention to the cause for its own sake. The conversation about child sex trafficking is now turning to the border/immigrant issue. While it is hard for anyone on the left or the right to argue that child sex trafficking is a heinous business, immigration is one that can be argued ad infinitum. Child sex trafficking is being used to fuel that fight, and keep the division going. While the left and right will have plenty to argue about, it does appear that both sides finally agree on one thing: that SRA is a crazy conspiracy theory. Even the crazy QAnon conspiracy theorists themselves, according to the guy on CNN, have never even heard of it.

Is it another clever move to keep ignoring the survivors of SRA that are speaking out and keep pretending that there are no children being victimized in this way, today?

Is it possible that QAnon was a move to “catch” those who were starting to realize that our society is not at all what it seems, and to feed those people certain truths, including SRA, and then guide them into falsehoods and a shaky ideology with Trump as the unlikely hero/cult leader? Is it possible that many liberals are too afraid to be labeled as crazy Nazi QAnon conspiracy theorists if they would accept the truth of SRA? One side sensationalizes SRA, the other is too “sensitive” to hear about it.

Those who wish to control you will always be ten steps ahead of you, leaving you to believe you are way ahead. The only way to remove yourself from their manipulations and lies, is to step away from taking sides, to stop blaming others. You should know that when you are mocking and laughing at the idea of children getting murdered, the Satanic manipulators are laughing at you. And when you are blaming the left for pedophilia and casting yourself as the persecuted underdog, the Satanic manipulators are using you.

Your own blind spots, resulting from your own personal unresolved trauma, are blank mind spaces that will be filled with what those who wish to control us want you to believe. The only way to step out is to gain personal awareness by confronting unpleasant truths about yourself, and to gain awareness about the unpleasant truths of the world: the greedy, insane, power-drunk psychopaths occupying space in your head.

Anneke Lucas