The right mirror

When broken people meet in romance, parts of the self hiding in the subconscious meet each other to play out trauma stories. The greater the similarity in underlying emotional issues, the greater the connection. In the game of love, partners are polarized in a power play, taking the role of either the child victim or the adult abuser. In the beginning of such a love cycle, there is admiration for the love object, so that person is lifted up, the way a child looks up to an authority figure. 

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There were three men - a politician, a world leader who ruled over the politicians, and a gangster - who influenced my upbringing most. They formed my character, my personality, the way I think. I watched an hourlong video interview with the world leader and was stunned how much the way I express myself resembles his. Ironically, my code of ethics originates in his everyday behavior. These men gave me what I couldn't find at home and verbally affirmed qualities in me that I had never known about. Two of the three, the world leader and the gangster, were emotionally attached to me, and came as close to love as they ever would in their lives I'm sure.

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Speaking out

Saying goodbye for now to Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat, a new place to call home with a beautiful, loving family awaiting. When I speak I never know how I will be received. I expected I might be asked to leave or ignored afterwards, because my story and the harsh truths it reveals is often hard to swallow. In the talk I also mentioned that I was once touched inappropriately by one of the Indian gurus who is highly revered in the West.

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Power gives the illusion of freedom. Self-empowerment is freedom. Freedom from what? From suffering. Preparing talk on forgiveness, it has not been easy to forgive these abusers, who are the darkest criminals on our planet, perpetrating the worst horror stories, in a calculated, organized way, skillfully hiding these crimes from the public, themselves above the law. It has been hard to overcome my envy, imagining my perpetrators in spectacular houses on the Mediterranean, on their yachts, respected and admired by the public, while I was struggling, feeling all the pain.

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Arriving in the US, everyone automatically assumed I was wealthy and educated. When I grew up in Belgium, people with working class jobs were proud of what they did, and while the class system was rigid, there was no great desire for most people to move up in society's echelon. This is not to say that there was no racism, of course. Remember the Belgians were the perpetrators of the greatest Holocaust on record, beginning during the reign of Leopold II, when we ravaged Congo and enslaved, tortured and killed 10 million of its inhabitants.

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I was born on Good Friday, and always felt its meaning because of the extreme violence and injustice of my past. Today is a day of resurrection. The New York Times published an article about my advocacy work. I'm in Philadelphia to speak at University of Pennsylvania about sex trafficking and healing. It's the start of a very industrious time of using what I learned to create change.

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True spirituality is grounded in true feeling, which equals consciousness. If we don’t understand psychopathy, we help create the platform for those responsible for wars, famine and the destruction of the earth. As we feel into our own pain, and open our eyes to our own shadow side, it invariably reveals itself as a young part of ourselves; shamed, hurt, afraid, and vulnerable - in need of acceptance, nurturing, understanding and love. That journey of healing towards our own integration, opens our eyes more fully to the pathology of the emotionally infantile men in power causing the destruction of the earth. The corporation executives, politicians, dictators and other plunderers need to be recognized for the infantile, sick people they are, because today, it is only our denial and disbelief about their destructiveness that keep them in power.

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I was 9 years old, wearing my favorite summer dress though it was getting too short, gifted by a perpetrator three months earlier, who took me with him on his private jet to go sailing the US East Coast for 2 weeks.

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One way to see if you are involved in such a dynamic, is when you focus excessively on the other. Once you stop speaking about yourself, you're off in projection land, and you can get so lost there you may never find your way back to the reality of the other person. Even if you think of yourself as the al-anon type, if you engage with a narcissist and focus on them and their actions, you are unconsciously setting yourself up to get your revenge.

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Love and Fear

Looking at that inability, it's easy to see the world we live in runs according to it, as fear mongering thrives, toddler-level greed rules, and we are fed violence from childhood onward. At the helm are those who never entered into the first stage of healing, fighting off their own truth and pain, imposing their emotional sickness on all.

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The Role of Love

Power can be a powerful addiction.

Many of the world leaders, the famous, gurus and most successful businesspeople have this addiction to power…in common with sex offenders and killers.

Though many stories are shocking, my early life experience in my home country was extreme. For five years I was sex-trafficked by politicians, business elite and aristocrats who provided their castles for orgies. I was used as a business negotiation prop or for political favors while my family accepted money to drive me wherever needed.

There were never more than a few children. We were valuable currency, until we were considered a threat—then we were eliminated.

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Anneke Lucas